Let's start at the beginning. For the easier understanding of the abbreviations, the first one is the national socialist hardcore, the second is the politically correct hardcore stream. As for the music, we can't find big differences between them, but the idiots pleading the PCHC often says that the NSHC doesn't exist, it haven't got any representatives, and as for music, it's a big zero etc. The truth is all from this bullshit is, that the NSHC scene exists recently in Hungary, but it's on the way, and improving day by day! If we see the bands, the albums of Fehér Törvény: Szemben a világgal and Voice of Justice: Eruption of Hate are very unique! Besides the music is really important that what are we standing for, what are we revolt against, and what are we fighting for! If these motivations not exists, all of these worth nothing, it won't be separated from the other genres, and the issue won't be hardcore....
But let's check out, what's this PC stream standing for? They have good aims, like mop up the animal torturing, or against the drugs. We are agreeing all of these of course, but what's the solution? Who is in charge for all of these bad things? We know, that these are the productions of the consumer society and the globalisation, generally even all of you agree with that. Let's think it over.... who's interested in this "world order", and who's controlling it? I can surely say, that this is not the national socialist resistance! This is the fun fact in this, because we're off from every decision for 65 years, we are not those who have to blame for the present status of our country! I just cannot understand, how can someone revolt against us or make us guilty for anything!
In the PC side, we can see leftists, anarchists, jews, and guys from Krishna movement...now that's the pont, they are the ones, who are responsible for certain things (except maybe the members of the Khrisna movement). We have unity, in your side there's a lot of contradiction, and mix-up.
We don't agree with the faceless/anonym swearing on the internet arriving from your side! If you are so tough, come on, stand for it! On the streets you can find us....and if it happens, we will not run away....